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Columbia Dentoform Prize 2023

Oct 19, 2023 | Company News

Columbia Dentoform Prize Winner: Nakiah Marsman

We’re excited to congratulate Nakiah Marsman, the most recent recipient of our Columbia Dentoform Prize, part of the Dalhousie Faculty of Dentistry academic awards program! Nakiah is a Halifax native and graduated this spring from Dalhousie University’s dental hygiene program.

The Columbia Dentoform prize has been awarded to one graduating student per year, as part of an ongoing partnership between Columbia, the well-known educational arm of the dental manufacturing family DENTALEZ, and Dalhousie. The award is given to a student who exemplifies the greatest proficiency in clinic management and patient education and the recipient also receives a financial reward.

“We have been supporting future dental practitioners and the educational institutions that teach them for a number of years,” says Nicholas Carter, Director of Special Markets for DENTALEZ. “Our partnership with Dalhousie is a logical fit, as education is the defining component of our work at Columbia.”

Dalhousie trains dentists and hygienists in a group practice model environment. Senior dental students are paired with senior hygiene students to receive hands-on experience working within a modern faculty clinic, which offers services at a reduced rate to their community,

“The significance of providing patient-centered care has always been at the forefront of any clinical lesson and my professors and instructors have always conveyed this message with such passion” says Marsman.

“We are very grateful for the generosity of Columbia Dentoform,” says Alish Johnson, Development Officer for Dalhousie University. “The materials donated by Columbia provide the basis for hands-on education that approximates real-life scenarios that allow our students to hone their professional skills. This award further encourages and inspires our students and lets us show our recognition for excellence in yet another way. Our students wouldn’t be as successful without support from donors like them.”

“When I received the Columbia Dentoform Prize, I was quite surprised and beyond grateful,” says Marsman, who rose to the top of her 40-peer class to earn this award. “My instructors have commented on my ability to connect with patients and provide thorough patient education, but I did not realize just how much I was standing out in that aspect of patient care. To be recognized in this area is a true honor.”

Just prior to graduating, Marsman accepted an RDH position with Tacoma Dental Centre and is considering pursuing a master's degree in the future.


We wish you the best of luck, Nakiah!

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